Furever Farm

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Well. Unprecedented times. Australia and the world is going through a major medical situation that has far reaching implications. Everything from the sad deaths and illness inflicted by the Coronavirus to lockdowns and people's livelihoods in danger. 

There are many beliefs and opinions surrounding this virus and it's background but whatever your view one thing is certain. Business is suffering along with personal health. Here at Furever Farm we have been taking close attention to small business. Many of the people we know and care for are owners and operators of small business. To narrow it down even further we are particularly worried about vegan small business. Whilst all companies are suffering it is particularly distressing to see our vegan friends struggling to make ends meet and struggling to keep their "doors open". If it isn't bad enough for smaller business around the country, and here in Adelaide, vegan small business relies on an even smaller clientele and niche market to most others. Therefore they are feeling the pinch particularly badly and there is very little they can do about it. Most have chosen to keep operational, to keep trying to pay the bills and keep their dream alive. The dream for them is twofold. Not only do they ply their trade and supply a product that they are so proud of but they also want to be there for the vegan community and promote veganism as a whole. So admirable and so special. When we line up and buy their product we don't really think about it. We're getting class food or product and we are so happy with the result. But to them, the owners, they pass over their items AND pass over the vegan future. Many have said they worry that at the end of all this, depending on how long it goes on, they fear they will not be able to re-open their doors. They fear that bills, costs and loss of income will see them have to close their doors. We, the vegan community, must continue to support them. A lot of us are on limited funds we realise. Some have lost their jobs throughout this and others have had their income drastically cut short. But, if we can when we can support these businesses it will go a long way to seeing them come through at the end of the darkness. Below we list vegan business that we know and love. Please, those that read this blog, if we have forgotten to include any we apologise. Feel free to list them in the comments section and we can update the list as time goes on.

If it is one thing about the vegan community it is that they care about their food and care about their business owners. All of these owners went out on a limb to produce and supply vegan menus not knowing if the venture would pay off. It did and we love them for it. We know that we will be supporting them where we can when we can. That doesn't equate to much when talking about us as we rarely get away from the farm but when we do you can bet we will be headed to these outlets. We will also promote them on our website and social media pages wherever we can. More mentions get more results and we simply want to spread the message anyway. We ask you to do the same. On your personal sites place their logos up and give them a plug every now and then. You will be amazed how effective a tool this is. Go hard....go vegan!

Now onto us, Furever Farm. People have asked how this entire situation has effected us. At this precise time the effects have been there but minimal. We don't expect that will be the case forever if the virus and associated laws carry on many months as predicted. We are envisaging that we will see and feel a slow but definite negative effect as time progresses. In the right here right now we have experienced donated food changes, as some of you may be aware with us placing a desperate call on Facebook recently. We have a few donors for fruit, veg and bread that the pigs look forward to each week. More specifically would be to say they DEPEND on it each week. The pigs alone can go through up to $300 per day in feed should we be required to purchase ourselves. Feed donations have been up and down recently. Some weeks great the next week minimal. We appreciate so much the donated food we get from other community organisations and realise they are at the mercy of all of this as well. They get what they get and have left over what they have left over. 

Financially we have seen a downward trend. This doesn't surprise us as, mentioned above, people are losing jobs or having cut income. Naturally that is going to have a flow on effect where donations are concerned. We know people want to donate but appreciate that there are a bunch more at the moment that can't. We have seen regular donor have to pull the pin. It's worrying as it's no secret that organisations such as ours depend on the generosity and ability of our fantastic supporters and followers....or our Furever Farm Community as we call it. Most will know that we have donation boxes in businesses around town. We, like others, have had to see some of these business close their doors for the short term. This means the donation boxes are effectively removed. This is by no means any fault or blame to the business, it is simply the way it is. 

We have already noticed our volunteer and visitor number massively declining. Volunteer declines have seen a major workload increase on us here and the push for a total restructuring and recruiting of new vollies. It is sad to see visitor numbers decline. Whilst we understand, it is a great pleasure for us to host visitors at the farm. We genuinely enjoy showing people around, have them meet the animals they fall in love with online and tell stories plus educate. 

Lastly we have been severely effected on the fundraising front. Fundraising is just as important as donations and generally create a lot more funds for the animals. Some fundraisers can generate thousands. This year we had many planned. We had been working on a major quiz night for mid year, more dinners such as we have had in the past. Movie nights were considered and a host of other events at various times. One thing that has seen us particularly upset is the unknown surrounding our annual open day. Not only is this a major fund generator but we absolutely love presenting it for you. Dollars aside we simply love opening our gates and inviting you all in to experience the farm and the animals. The tours, the kids attractions and tractor rides, talks and information. Plus, need we say, those businesses mentioned above, some had been slotted in to provide food and drink on the day. Our open day was scheduled for September and where there is time there is hope. Having said that with the recent announcement of the cancellation of the Royal Show, also in September, it is difficult to remain hopeful. 

So all in all we expect that Furever Farm will indeed be hit hard by all of this. We expect, and try to plan for as best we can, a big downturn financially as things go on. We worry and we stress thinking about the possibilities but we go on day to day. We would never let the animals suffer from all of this but at the same time we realise that we are restricted by generosity. If all were to get too dire we would delve into our personal finances. Whilst we do this already we manage it with the funds garnered via charity means. We remain hopeful that it will not come to that but if need be we will do everything we can. We will fight to the death for the voiceless.....in physical and financial. 

So we all sit back and wonder, we try to carry on as normal as we can with the unknown in front of us. It is a major episode in all of our lives and it has far reaching effects. The fallout from COVID-19 goes beyond the human species. It effects our wonderful animal kingdom far and wide. Whether that effect is direct or via us, their carers, it gets there in the end. Let's band together and become the best we can throughout all the turmoil and upheaval. If we can't unite now.....then we really COULD learn something from the animals.

Darren, Hayley & all the Furever Farm team.